Sunday, May 12, 2013

Links to Resources and Tutorials

Here are some links to sites with tutorials and such to help learn RPG Maker 2003.  (And one to help with graphics.)

123agumon's youtube videos - They aren't fantastic (he openly admits there are things in the program he doesn't know), but he covers a lot of different topics, which is very helpful.

RPG Maker 2003 Wikibook - Covers a lot and gives a lot of info.  It doesn't really walk you through it the way a tutorial would, but it's a really comprehensive source.

Dark Gaia's "Noob's Guide" - I haven't actually gone through and read this one, but it looks pretty comprehensive.

Golden Griffon's Beginners Guide and Guide to Switches, Variables, etc. - Two guides to the very first things you need to learn.  Very good tutorials, and it's a shame he didn't make more. tutorials - A ton of tutorials people have posted on various subjects.  It's a list you'll just have to dig through until you find what you're looking for, or find something interesting you want to check out.

Master RPG Maker Helpful Things Topic - Another long list of various tutorials and resources.  (Judging from the comments, many of the links may be broken, so the helpfulness of this one is a bit questionable.)

Graphics: - Helps you make sprites, facesets and battle sprites.

If anyone has any other sites, let me know and I'll add them to the list.

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