Monday, May 13, 2013

Battle Graphics - Opponents

Opponent sizes are a bit... funny.
There isn't a set size that they have to be.  While poking around online, I found a thread in which someone gave 16x16 as the minimum size and 240x240 as the maximum.  But what it likes best is an image at 40,000 pixels in area.  If it isn't that size, it'll be fickle about importing them.  According to their experience, dragging the image into the right folder will upload it no matter the pixel area, whereas importing it through the program's resources manager gives an error message.

So... yeah... we'll have to do some trial and error with that one.

By default, opponent images are, unfortunately, static rather than animated.  However, I've seen people make boss battles in which the opponent is animated, so there's some way to trick the system into doing it. I haven't figured out how yet, so I'll get back to you on that one.

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